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Blockchain & IoT

Highly customized IT design, management and support services.

Technological innovation at the
service to your business.

Software House focused on the development of solutions in Blockchain Technology for companies that aim to evolve their business models or create new and innovative ones. Adamantic has carried out multiple production projects, based on different Blockchain platforms. Each project represents a new challenge. We are proud to lead companies on pioneering paths, where we can apply powerful tools, such as NFT and token economics. “Innovation, transparency and quality of life. This is what we work for, every day”.

Blockchain solutions

Our company's core business is the development of projects, feasibility studies and POCs based on the implementation of Blockchain & IoT technologies, taking care of all technological aspects of the production flow, starting from the integration with IT systems already operating in the company to the front end to the outside.

Training e coaching

We create training paths in the areas of DLT, Blockchain, IoT, Crypto Economy. We create competencies for enterprise task forces, with focus on the use of new technologies to achieve strategic goals, training technical or managerial skills with also the necessary legal and tax references.

Marketing e web strategy

We implement integrated communication and marketing strategies to support the launch and capitalization of Enterprise Blockchain based projects - Digital PR, Web Marketing, SEO&SEM, Social Media Marketing - geared towards achieving project KPIs.

Startupping e project management

Drawing on the experience of our industry-leading partners, we also advise companies on incorporation, European grants, private equity, tokenization, brand protection, and accounting. These are just some of the services we are able to provide according to Swiss quality standards.

Legal fintech

We provide legal and tax services and advice on international tokenization projects, creation of internal coinage to marketplace or loyalty program systems, cryptocurrency.

ISO 9001:2015

It is the company’s policy to place “design, research, development and training services relating to software and platforms for data transmission and Blockchain & IoT technologies on the national and international market.


Blockchain, but not only that!

05 Steps

1. Analysis and scouting
Starting with the analysis of expressed needs, a scouting of the best applicable technologies is carried out.
2. Feasibility study
Issuance of a feasibility and design opportunity study, technical and functional analysis of the development.
3. Operational phase
Implementation and testing of the solution.
4. Project release
Network configuration and evolution.
5. Post-release stage
Post-release evolutionary maintenance of the solution and administration of the Network.

About us

We work on Research and Development of data integration, management and transmission solutions using blockchain technology

Our mission is to facilitate the use of the blockchain in all enterprise contexts.

Blockchain utilizzate

Energy self-management

Each Community can have all the functions necessary for complete self-management, the information is notarized in the blockchain, the automatable processes are performed by smart contracts, the contracts are signed by personalized tokens accredited in the blockchain through a simple Mobile App.

the traceability of
Made in Italy

A new platform designed by Adamantic, aimed at End-to-End tracking, which aims to integrate supply chains and optimize data, with a 360° vision. Entirely customizable, A-Tracer integrates various functions and makes interactions between the various actors in the chain safe and simple, thus creating a transparent and sustainable supply chain.

Insurance + Technology

From the mix between the world of insurance and the most advanced technologies, new ways of creating and providing services arise. By innovative technologies we mean those intelligent data collection systems, such as IOT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence up to distributed systems such as Blockchain.